Difference between doxylamine succinate and diphenhydramine hcl

carver38597 over a year ago

I feel that I could break world record in insomnia. Sometimes it can spend all week with just a few hours sleep. It is not something I like or encourage but it is happening. I have realized that I need some medical help. And there comes the trouble. I have to people with different opinions. My mother thinks that I should take doxylamine succinate and my grandfather thinks that it would be better to use diphenhydramine because he is using it himself. Tell me which is stronger so I can decide.

myrah45861 over a year ago

I understand that you honor your family and what they think but wouldn't be better to decide by yourself or to consult the doctor. I can tell you medical facts. And the medical fact is that diphenhydramine is better at inducing sleep and sedation and therefore it is stronger. But different individuals response differently on medications, so I cant recommend you any of them, you must decide yourself.

Guest over a year ago

Doxylamine Succinate (a.k.a. Doxylamine) and Diphenhydramine (a.k.a. Benadryl) are both antihistamines (anti-allergy medications). Doxylamine, the sleeping ingredient in NyQuil, is the best and most powerful over-the-counter sedative you can buy in the United States. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) is the best and most powerful antihistamine. However, both are great as sleep aids or for allergy relief. Used in combination with other medicines, these two medications treat cold and flu symptoms. Doxylamine and Diphenhydramine can each be purchased in generic form very inexpensively and are equally as effective as the brand name equivalents! Doxylamine is exactly the same as the brand name Unsiom SleepTabs, and Diphenhydramine is exactly the same as the brand name Benadryl or Unisom SleepMelts. The Wikipedia article on Doxylamine links to articles which verifies the information I've written.

DEE over a year ago

I took Diphenhydramine a couple years ago and had a reaction.  I just tried Doxylamine (Unisom) and I had no reaction.  It worked very well to relax me and help me sleep.

Guest over a year ago

I disagree, I take benadryl if I want to stay awake all night and doxylamine to sleep. I have a paradoxical reaction to benadryl.

tommyf212449 over a year ago

As far as helping me sleep, a prescription drug all of u may want to look into is seroquel. 100 mg of it before bedtime definitely helps me to fall and stay asleep. i was not sleeping well for many years and i was having many other mental issues also (probably because of lack of sleep), then i started sleeping much better after being prescibed seroquel. No other prescription drug seemed to work for me. If any of you cannot afford it, try to get some type of financial assistance. Alot of these drug companies will work with you and may even let you have their drug for free if you truly cannot afford it. If they won't, get in contact with any government social worker. They know of many good programs for the financially strapped. Best of luck and remember something I am about to tell you. That "something" is that no matter what the problem is, in just about all of the cases there is a solution to the problem. It may sometimes be VERY hard to find that solution but do NOT give up trying because the solution is out there somewhere.

Guest over a year ago

Both OTC meds are not reccomended for chronic use (7 days max)- try good sleep hygiene (like avoiding large meals before bed, avoiding caffeine/nicotine/alcohol 4-6 hours before bed, avoid exercising right before bed, and establish a regular sleep time/pattern). Use the doxylamine or diphenydramine with sleep hygiene for 7 days untill your sleeping habits improve, then discontinue the OTC meds. If this does not work you should see your doctor because other serious conditions may be unaddressed.- 3rd pharm student
*your grandfather should go to see his doctor too if is insomnia is effecting him frequently

Guest over a year ago

also elderly should not take OTC antihistamines because of increased incidence of adverse effects*

tpike over a year ago

Can either of these OTC meds' cause problems with the liver? I am a little worried that for nearly 3 years now I've taken 1/2 a doxylamine and 1 diphenydramine 30 minutes before bed to get a good nights sleep. I just read that they shouldn't be taken together. Had no idea doxylamine was also an antihistamine. Last night I tried nothing. At 4:35 am had to take a Benedryl.

Amy over a year ago

I have exactly the same response to benadryl. I looked it up and found that those who are stimulated by benadryl likely have myelin sheath damage.

Guest over a year ago

I work the night shift and found it impossible to sleep for more than 4 hours. Life was living hell until my doctor suggested Trazodone and 1/4 of doxylamine (Unisom) on my work days. I take about two hours before going to be and sleep comes slowly but surely. Trazodone is a antidepressant which is widely used for its off label use to treat insomnia. This combination has saved my life. Hope it helps.

Roxana over a year ago

Doxylamine succinate has horrible side ffets, works only for sometime and then you build tolerance to it. Dephenydramine in combination with tyalanonl, in ohter words tylanol or the less expewnsive form acethinophen PM has no side effects, only hthat you are suppossed to take acethinophen for long time or more than the amount daily that read in the warning on the package, otherwise you damage your live. But it taken according to recommended dosage it is fine.I have been all my lie the worst insonmiac. Thiamine help taken with calciun in day time and at least 1000 mg of magnesium citrate divide, taking two 250MG day time with meal and at night the same with last meal and befoe retirin g to bed.

e-ticket over a year ago

funny, I've been on doxylamine off & on for years--just 1/2 tab before bed and I sleep like a log! No side effects--and it's actually a Level-A drug for use during pregnancy. Many vitamins are not that safe! Diphenhydramine, on the other hand, gives me terrible dry mouth (since it's a stronger antihistamine) AND it's a Level-B drug, so it's not as safe. It's interesting how each of us reacts to different drugs differently!

Guest over a year ago

I have been running a serious sleep deficit for over a month now. The cycle of insomnia has been hard to break. I have tried both herbal and phamaceutical option to no avail. Diphenhydramine did absolutely nothing for me. I have a friend that is director of quality for a pharmaceutical lab and he said diphenhydramine is bad stuff and may actually keep you awake. I was at my wits end yesterday and a friend of mine had some doxylamine succinate pills and I was desperate for sleep, so I doubled the dose and took 2 25mg pills and they knocked me out cold. I think that was the first time I got more than 7 hrs of sleep in about 3 years. I'm going to take just one tonight and see how that goes. As soon as I feel like my normal self again, which hopefully will be in a couple days, I am going to stop taking them and go back to the herbal and see if I can maintain my sleep. I also recommend that your room be a total blackout from windows to and lights from any electronic devices whatsoever and do not go to sleep with the tv on, even if it has a sleep timer. If anything, read a chapter or two of a book. Best of luck!

JennStar247459 over a year ago

Im right there with you. I did diphenhydramine for a year and built tolerance. Was totally dehydrated and tired often, still unable to get good sleep as this one doesn't allow REM sleep. I switched to doxylamine and am very happy. Having a dark, quiet, comfortable sleeping area is mad important. I find alternating helps with tolerance... Good luck! I've tried everything even temazepam, ambience, lunesta, trazedone, tramadol, atarax, ect. Now I'm trying Sonata. I wake up after falling asleep and take a doxylamine sleep more and I'm ok. Sucks but it is what it is. I stay away from heavy stuff like seroquel and remeron they cause weight gain. I have had paradoxical, tolerance, severe reactions, withdraw with a few names above. Any questions hit me up! I do find that taking B6, magnesium gel cap, calcium gel caps everyday before bed helps with fatigue, anxieties, and nerves. Added to doxylamine and lots of water. ;)

Is doxylamine succinate a good sleep aid?

Ultimately, doxylamine is not the best option if you are considering taking sleeping pills. There are other choices that are better for aiding sleep. Doxylamine doesn't promote sleep in the same way as prescription sleep medications, such as benzodiazepine and non-benzodiazepine medications.

What is the strongest over the counter sleeping pill doxylamine succinate?

Antihistamine sleep aid with the strongest sedation In contrast to the sleep aids I've discussed so far, Unisom SleepTabs has 25mg of the antihistamine Doxylamine Succinate as the active ingredient.

Which is stronger diphenhydramine or doxylamine succinate?

Doxylamine succinate is one of the most sedating antihistamines available over-the-counter (stronger than diphenhydramine). A single dose causes rapid and marked drowsiness in the vast majority of individuals. Doxylamine succinate is eliminated somewhat more slowly from the body than diphenhydramine hydrochloride.

Can doxylamine succinate be taken with diphenhydramine HCL?

Using diphenhydrAMINE together with doxylamine may increase side effects such as drowsiness, blurred vision, dry mouth, heat intolerance, flushing, decreased sweating, difficulty urinating, abdominal cramping, constipation, irregular heartbeat, confusion, and memory problems.


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