Credit score to cosign for a car

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When you're young, it's hard to get a loan in your own name, especially if you haven't built up much credit history and are still earning an entry-level position salary. To get a car loan, you might need a co-signer with a good credit score. Even if you have a co-signer on your car loan, your credit score might still matter, depending on the lender.

Primary Borrower Significance

When you're taking out a car loan in your name, the bank wants to see that you're a credible borrower. One way to do that is to look at your credit score. According to Quicken Loans, if your credit score is under 500, you're unlikely to get a car loan even at a very high interest rate. In this case, you will probably need a co-signer if you want to drive a car off the lot.

Benefits of Cosigner

When you have a co-signer, the bank knows that it can go after that person for the debt if you don't make the payments. Moreover, if the cosigner has a good credit score and strong employment history, the lender is more likely to give you a loan at a lower interest rate than if you applied on your own. However, it's going to take a co-signer with a great credit score and substantial disposable income if your income and credit score clearly won't cut it.

Other Ways to Help

While getting a cosigner is the surest way to get a car loan if you don't have a strong credit score, there are other ways for you to improve your chances of getting approved. First, save up for a larger down payment. When you borrow a smaller percentage of the purchase price, you're a lesser risk to the lender because it's more likely that a repossession and sale of the car will cover your debt. Second, take care to pay your current debt on time to build a positive credit history.

Cosigner Cautions

Be careful about asking someone to cosign a loan for you. If the person is nice (or crazy) enough to agree, take your responsibility to pay the loan back seriously. If you make late payments, you don't only hurt your own credit score -- you also hurt the credit score of the person who cosigned for you. Worse, if you default on the loan, the cosigner is on the hook for the balance. If that happens, your relationship is likely to take a turn for the worse.


Writer Bio

Mark Kennan is a writer based in the Kansas City area, specializing in personal finance and business topics. He has been writing since 2009 and has been published by "Quicken," "TurboTax," and "The Motley Fool."

If you’re planning to buy a new car, you’ll most likely need an auto loan to help pay for it. With the average cost of a new vehicle exceeding $47,000 today, the great majority of buyers in the United States do. Whether you apply for a loan through the dealership or at a bank, the lender will run a credit check on you as part of the process. Here’s what credit score you’ll need to be approved for a car loan—and what you can do if your credit is less than perfect.

Key Takeaways

  • Your credit score is a major factor in whether you'll be approved for a car loan.
  • Some lenders use specialized credit scores, such as a FICO Auto Score.
  • In general, you'll need at least prime credit, meaning a credit score of 661 or up, to get a loan at a good interest rate.
  • If you have poorer credit, you can still get a loan, but you will probably have to pay more for it or else find a cosigner.

What Credit Scores Do Auto Lenders Use? 

You don’t have just one credit score, but several of them. The scoring models use the same basic information from your credit reports but weigh certain factors differently. The two major scoring models are: 

  • FICO. The best-known and most widely used scoring company. FICO scores range from 300 to 850.
  • VantageScore. A newer competitor to FICO. Though earlier versions of the VantageScore ranged from 501 to 990, the latest VantageScore goes from 300 to 850, the same as FICO does.

The major scoring models can also provide more specialized scores for particular purposes. For example, FICO offers the FICO Auto Score, an industry-specific credit score intended for auto lenders. The FICO Auto Score uses a different weighting system from other FICO scores, with credit utilization having a bigger impact and isolated late payments—such as a one-off mistake—having a lesser one. To further complicate matters, there are multiple versions of the FICO Auto Score.

Many car dealerships rely on a FICO Auto Score, but not all do. If you’re not sure and are curious, ask your lender which scores they check before consenting to a credit check. 

What Is the Minimum Score Needed to Buy a Car?

When lenders review your auto loan application, they look at your income and credit score. Lenders divide customers into categories based on their scores, such as:

  • Super prime: 781 to 850
  • Prime: 661 to 780
  • Nonprime: 601 to 660
  • Subprime: 501 to 600
  • Deep subprime: 300 to 500

In general, lenders look for borrowers in the prime range or better, so you will need a score of 661 or higher to qualify for most conventional car loans. 

How to Buy a Car With a Poor Credit Score 

If your score is below the prime range, you may still be able to get an auto loan—but it could be harder to obtain and more expensive. Here are three options for financing a car if you have fair or poor credit: 

1. Be willing to pay a higher interest rate

If you have poor credit, lenders see you as a riskier applicant. You may be able to get a car loan, but you'll likely pay a much higher interest rate than someone with good or excellent credit will. 

For example, the average interest rate for prime borrowers purchasing new cars was 4.03% in Q2 2022. For nonprime borrowers, the rate was 6.57%, while for deep subprime borrowers, it was 12.84%.

That higher rate can add substantially to your total loan cost. For example, if you financed $37,000 with a four-year loan at 4.03% interest, you'd have an $836 monthly payment and would pay $3,124 in total interest. 

But if you financed that same amount and only qualified for a four-year loan at 12.84% interest, your payment would jump to $990 per month. And you’d pay $10,505 in total interest—a difference of $7,381. 

The Better Your Credit Score, the Lower Your Interest Rate
  Prime Borrower Nonprime Borrower Deep Subprime Borrower
Loan Amount $37,000 $37,000 $37,000
Loan Term 48 Months 48 Months 48 Months
Interest Rate 4.03% 6.57% 12.84%
Monthly Payment $836 $879 $990
Total Interest $3,124 $5,175 $10,505
Total Repaid $40,124 $42,175 $47,505

2. Go to a dealer that specializes in buyers with poor credit

If you cannot qualify for a loan at a traditional dealership, you may be able to get financing from one that specializes in buyers with poor credit. Typically advertised as buy here, pay here dealerships, they offer in-house financing for used vehicles. 

However, these dealers tend to charge very high interest rates to offset the risk of lending to borrowers with lower scores.

3. Apply for a loan with a cosigner

If your score is in the nonprime to deep subprime range, you might consider applying for a car loan with a cosigner. A cosigner is someone, such as a family member, who is willing to apply for a loan with you and, ideally, has good to excellent credit. A cosigner shares responsibility for the loan, reducing the lender’s risk. You’re more likely to qualify for a loan and get a lower interest rate than if you applied on your own. But if you're unable to make the loan payments, your cosigner will be stuck with the bill.


If you shop for a loan before you shop for a car, you'll have a better idea of how much you can afford to spend.

If I Use a Cosigner, Will I Get the Same Rate They Would Alone?

When you apply for a loan using a cosigner, the lender considers both parties' credit scores. So, unfortunately, you won't get the same rate as they would if they applied alone. However, you are likely to be approved and receive a more favorable interest rate.

Can I Buy a Car With No Credit?

It's difficult, but possible. Lenders look at people with no credit the same way they look at people with bad credit. Typically, you will need a cosigner, or you may have to buy from a dealership that offers in-house financing.

Are Interest Rates the Same on New Versus Used Cars?

Typically, pre-owned vehicle loans have higher interest rates than new vehicles. In Q2'22, the average interest rate for a new car loan was 4.33%, while used cars averaged 8.62%.

The Bottom Line

Whether you’re looking for a new car or a used one, your credit score plays a big role in your financing options, so it's worth knowing where you stand. You can get your credit score for free from some credit card companies and online sources.

Before heading to the dealership, it's also a good idea to obtain auto loan quotes from one or more banks and credit unions. That can help you find the best loan deal and give you some extra leverage in bargaining with the dealer. It could also help you decide how much you can afford to spend on a car.

What credit score does a cosigner need?

Although there might not be a required credit score, a cosigner typically will need credit in the very good or exceptional range—670 or better. A credit score in that range generally qualifies someone to be a cosigner, but each lender will have its own requirement.

What credit score is needed to not have a cosigner?

Generally, a cosigner is only needed when your credit score or income may not be strong enough to meet a financial institution's underwriting guidelines. If you have a stronger credit score, typically 650 and above, along with sufficient income to cover the loan payment, it's likely you will not need a co-signer.

Can you cosign if you have bad credit?

Someone with bad credit shouldn't cosign a car loan. There are very rare cases where you may be able to cosign the loan, however 99times out of 100 you will not be able to cosign a car loan with bad credit.


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