Can you get pregnant if you dont have periods

Not all women’s periods operate like clockwork. Some women have their periods right on schedule every 28 days, while other women’s periods are irregular and unpredictable.

An irregular period can be frustrating for anyone, but what about if you’re trying to get pregnant? It can be upsetting if you’re trying to conceive and are having difficulties.

There are a number of factors that affect a woman’s ability to become pregnant and one of those is irregularity in your periods. Here’s everything you need to know about the link between irregular periods and pregnancy.

What are considered irregular periods?

Just like no two people are alike, women’s menstrual cycles aren’t alike either. However, there are standard parameters of what’s considered “normal” versus irregular.

“A ‘normal’ cycle is anywhere between 21 to 35 days with consistently not more than a two to three day variance from cycle to cycle,” said Emilee Sandsmark, MD, an OBGYN at Banner Health Clinic in Loveland, CO. “Any cycle that occurs more or less frequently than this is considered abnormal, as is a woman who experiences cycles that are 24 days, then 29 days, then 34, etc.”

If your period is occurring more frequently than 21 days (polymenorrhea), this is considered abnormal. If it occurs less frequently than every 35 days (oligomenorrhea), this is also considered abnormal.

What causes irregular periods?

There are a number of things that can affect your period—from stress to weight fluctuations to medications and medical conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid issues.

But in general, irregular ovulation is what causes irregular menstrual cycles, Dr. Sandsmark said. It’s a common misconception that irregular periods cause irregular ovulation, as it is typically the other way around.

“Hormones released by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland (both in the brain) and the ovary are the messengers that regulate monthly cycles,” Dr. Sandsmark said. “There can be a number of abnormalities at any of these steps that can cause irregular ovulation and abnormal periods.”

If you’re experiencing irregular periods, it’s best to talk to your health care provider about ways to treat the underlying issues to allow for more predictable ovulation and more regular periods.

Can I get pregnant with an irregular period?

“Yes, because women with irregular periods can still ovulate, however, the timing of ovulation may be harder to predict,” Dr. Sandsmark said.

Sometimes making lifestyle changes can regulate previously erratic periods and help you conceive. Some women, however, may require the use of other treatment options.

Here are some general guidelines when it comes to conception and medical evaluations:

  • If you’re younger than 35 years old and have been having unprotected sex for 12 months with no success
  • If you’re over the age of 35 and have been having unprotected sex for 6 months or more
  • If you’re 40 years old or older

[Also read “Diagnosing Fertility: Common Tests on the Pathway to Pregnancy”]

What can I do to determine if I’m ovulating?

While one of the biggest indicators of ovulation is a regular menstrual cycle, there are electronic apps and ovulation predictor kits you can purchase. But be mindful, Dr. Sandsmark said, as “some of these tools can vary in quality and data on their usefulness are limited.”

Another issue is that unless you have regular cycles, both the apps and predictor kits can be more challenging to use. So those who may need them the most (i.e., you), might have the most difficulty using them.

The most accurate and helpful tool is bloodwork. “Bloodwork ordered by your physician done on specific days of your menstrual cycle can help determine the best options for trying to conceive,” Dr. Sandsmark said.


Irregular ovulation can lead to irregular periods. Irregular ovulation doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant, but it can make your ability to conceive a little harder. Seek professional and medical help to regulate your menstrual cycle and better determine when you ovulate each month.

To find a Banner Health specialist near you, visit

Related Articles:

  • 11 Infertility Myths and the Facts Behind Them
  • Planning for Pregnancy: Your Pre-Pregnancy Checklist
  • PMS or Pregnant? How You Can Tell the Difference
  • Can My Partner and I Get Pregnant? Reversing a Vasectomy or Tubal Ligation

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Women expect periods to operate like clockwork. In reality, periods don’t behave as expected. What’s considered an irregular period for one, may be common for another. Irregular periods should not be taken lightly. Especially if getting pregnant is on the horizon.


A regular cycle occurs every 28 days, give or take 7 days. An irregular cycle occurs more frequently than 21 days. Irregular periods can come early, missed, or stay longer than 8 days. Pregnancy, starting or stopping birth control creates erratic periods.


A one-off occasion of a late or early period should not cause concern. To check, record the last day of the last period to the first day of the first period. Repeat for at least three months. A significant difference over the timeframe means a possible irregular period. To be safe, schedule an appointment with a gynecologist.


Yes, women can get pregnant with an irregular period. However, the ability to get pregnant decreases significantly. The disadvantage is ovulation becomes difficult to determine. The pregnancy success rate of a healthy woman with a regular cycle is 30%. Studies show this decreases exponentially if periods are off by ten days or more.


Irregular periods may also be a sign of anovulation. During the menstrual cycle, a mature egg releases. When ovulation does not occur, the cycle is anovulatory. Though not a disease, research shows consistent anovulation indicates an underlying fertility or hormonal issue. In most cases, doctors prescribe fertility drugs or other treatment to improve ovulation and regulate the period.


One of the main causes of an irregular period is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is an imbalance in the hormones controlling the reproductive system. PCOS causes irregular ovulation, cysts on ovaries, bleeding, and infertility. Research shows PCOS cases double miscarraiges and premature deliveries.


Thyroid Issues can affect the frequency and timeliness of menstrual cycles. Fibroids, diabetes, and endometriosis are other common reasons for irregular periods. Even sexually transmitted infections can cause irregular or absent periods.


Lifestyle is another cause of irregular periods. Excessive exercise and dieting can create irregular periods or stop them entirely. High-performance athletes often suffer from irregular periods. Stress, weight gain, and weight loss have adverse effects on the body including your periods.


Irregular periods are concerning. More so if getting pregnant is on the cards. Missing periods can also be a sign of an underlying medical issue. There’s no need to panic. Take action early. Seek advice from your OB/GYN, as doctors can help increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.

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