Can i go to er for wisdom tooth pain

Table of Contents

  • When Should You Visit the Hospital?
  • When Should You Visit an Emergency Dentist?
  • When is the Best Time To See Your Dentist?
  • Damaged Teeth Treatment Options
  • Is It a Good Idea To Go to the Emergency Room If You Have a Toothache?
  • Why Does My Toothache Appear and Disappear?
  • Is It Possible For a Toothache to Cause a Headache?
  • Why Can’t Hospital Emergency Rooms Provide Emergency Dental Care?

Severe toothaches, in particular, are a significant cause of unplanned trips to the emergency dentist. We strive to keep Emergency Room beds available for true emergencies at all times, and this will be especially true in the coming weeks. This article covers helpful information on when you DO have an emergency that requires a trip to the Emergency Room, when you should call your dentist, and what options you have if you don’t have a dentist or can’t reach them and are in pain.

 Dental emergencies, like other medical emergencies, require varying levels of care depending on their severity. These include when you have a dental emergency, where you go for the treatment depending on the type of emergency.

When Should You Visit the Hospital?

Dental emergencies include jaw fractures, dislocations, severe cuts or lacerations to the face and mouth, as well as an abscess or infection that is very swollen and affecting your breathing or swallowing.

In these situations, you should dial 000 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room. Don’t leave a potentially life-threatening condition to the dentist’s office.

Go to an emergency room if:

  • You have a toothache that has caused swelling in other parts of your face, particularly around your eye and below your jawline.
  • You’re suffering from a toothache and a high fever.
  • You have uncontrollable bleeding that you can’t stop with pressure (more on this below).
  • You’re suffering from a toothache and are having difficulty swallowing or breathing.
  • You’ve been on oral antibiotics for at least 24 hours, and your symptoms are still getting worse.
  • You’ve had a trauma or blow to the face or jaw that has caused swelling, bleeding, or a misalignment of your teeth.

When Should You Visit an Emergency Dentist?

Emergency dentists treat important dental emergencies. Other dental emergencies may not be life-threatening, but they still necessitate immediate attention.

Unless it’s causing a lot of trouble like bleeding or happened as a result of a violent injury, you can probably wait for the dentist to deal with a cracked or broken tooth (such as while eating something crunchy) or a tooth knocked out (such as being punched in the face).

When is the Best Time To See Your Dentist?

Your dentist’s office may not be open during business hours if you have a dental emergency. Call your dentist first before seeking alternative care if you have a dental emergency outside of business hours, on the weekend, or holiday, and it isn’t life-threatening.

Many dentists offer after-hours emergency care or a recommendation for an on-call substitute. If a dentist is unavailable after hours, but you still require medical attention, go to the nearest healthcare facility in your area.

Damaged Teeth Treatment Options

An emergency room will stop the bleeding if the individual damages a tooth in the accident, but it will not be able to repair or even save the tooth. Not only can a dentist repair, replace, or save a damaged tooth, but they can also provide the patient with specialized emergency care. Some of the treatments we provide to our patients are:

  • Dental sealants
  • Dental bonding 
  • Crowns for children’s teeth
  • Restorative Dentistry
  • Treatments for Cavities

Is It a Good Idea To Go to the Emergency Room If You Have a Toothache?

Pain thresholds are personal and vary from person to person. Emergency rooms are only for life-threatening situations. 

  • If you have an existing infected abscess in your mouth, you should go to the nearest emergency room. 
  • If the pain is unbearable and appears to be spreading along your jaw or neck, you should go to the emergency room. 
  • If the bleeding in your mouth does not stop, you should go to the emergency room. A person can lose consciousness if they lose too much blood.

On the other hand, minor tooth pain can be treated by simply visiting your dentist and having them examine the affected area. If you don’t have a toothache that requires immediate attention, it’s better to take over-the-counter pain relievers and schedule an appointment with your dentist.

Visiting the emergency room can be expensive. Limit your costs by learning about your mouth pain and deciding whether it warrants a trip to the emergency room. However, if you have no idea why you’re having tooth pain and are having trouble staying awake, you should go to the emergency room right away.

Why Does My Toothache Appear and Disappear?

For the case of root sensitivities or cavities, pain can be triggered by a transient stimulus such as heat, cold, or sugar. It could also be an abscess that flares up and then heals to the point where the pain goes away, even if the infection isn’t completely gone.

Acute pain is common with cracked teeth, and it fades and recurs as the pulp inside the tooth becomes irritated or infected, heals, and becomes uncomfortable again.

Is It Possible For a Toothache to Cause a Headache?

Yes. Toothaches are usually accompanied by headaches. The trigeminal nerve is in charge of transmitting messages for almost all toothaches and headaches, which means that toothaches are frequently the cause of headaches.

When our teeth hurt, we often tense up other parts of our bodies, such as our jaw, leading to headaches. Other issues, such as sinus infections, can manifest as toothaches and headaches.

Why Can’t Hospital Emergency Rooms Provide Emergency Dental Care?

The truth is that hospital emergency rooms are powerless to help you with an emergency toothache, root canal, or other dental emergencies. The result is usually a hefty hospital bill, which necessitates a dentist visit in the first place.

Going straight to the dentist will save you from having to go to the emergency room. Include a short call to action here, check out emergency dental service. 

Related Articles:

  • All On Four Dental Implants, Before And After
  • What Does Your Tooth Look Like If You Have Cavities?
  • Dental Implant Prices

When does wisdom teeth pain become an emergency?

Pain and/or stiffness in and around your jaw The effects that wisdom teeth may have on your jaw can lead to significant TMJ problems if left untreated. Pain or stiffness of the jaw is an indication of needing a wisdom tooth extraction as soon as possible.

Should I go to an emergency dentist for wisdom tooth pain?

A wisdom tooth infection should be treated as soon as possible to reduce pain and avert the spread of infection. Contacting an emergency dentist when wisdom teeth become painful allows for essential treatment to reduce discomfort.

When should I go to the hospital for a wisdom tooth infection?

You SHOULD go to the emergency room if: You have swelling from a toothache that has spread to other parts of your face, especially your eye or below your jaw line. You have a toothache accompanied by a high fever (>101). You have bleeding that can't be controlled with pressure (more on this below).

Does the ER help with mouth pain?

Emergency rooms are meant for specific dire situations. If you have an abscess in your mouth that has become infected, then you will need to head to the closest emergency room. If the pain is unbearable and seems to feel like it is spreading along your jaw or neck, then you should go to the ER.


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