Breast tenderness before period vs early pregnancy sign

We, the worrisome women, are half the times worried about not getting our periods in time. Many of us have online trackers to keep a tab of our menstrual cycles and any delays, many go back to their chats to see the word ‘down’ mentioned, while many completely forget the date and all they are left with is a ‘feeling’ of having completed a month or more without the crimson tide. We all may have different ways of expressing our concern but the fact remains the same – a delayed period is a cause of much vexation.
To get our knowledge right and our facts straight, we talked to Dr Neema Sharma, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Fortis Flt Lt Rajan Dhall Hospital, and Dr Amita Shah, Gynaecologist, Columbia Asia, Gurgaon. They both share what a delayed period can mean, when you should worry and when you should just let it pass.


Referring to them as normal pre-menstrual symptoms, Dr Neema and Dr Amita say that they are very common and are no concern of worry. This category of symptoms includes the following:
Food Cravings: You may, out of no past of liking sweets, suddenly crave Oreo cookies. Your appetite may go very high and you may gorge on food like none other time of the month.

Why it doesn’t indicate pregnancy: It doesn’t indicate pregnancy because such cravings usually do not occur in early pregnancy. Also, when you are pregnant, you may not like what you have always liked and for a change, get it distributed among friends, something that may not happen during PMS.

Water retention/Bloating: Many women experience bloating just when they are about to get down. This happens due to water retention in the body, says Dr Neema.

Why it doesn’t indicate pregnancy: It usually occurs in menstruating women as a pre-menstrual symptom. Bloating will occur later in your pregnancy when growing uterus will impact your abdominal cavity and slow the process of digestion.


There are certain symptoms that indicate pregnancy and nothing else. They include the following:

Breast soreness: If you are pregnant, chances are you will feel breast soreness and not just swelling or tenderness.

Why it isn’t PMS: This pain will last longer as compared to the one in PMS as your progesterone levels rise when you get pregnant.

Fatigue/Sleepiness: If you want to lie down the entire day and feel really exhausted, chances are you are pregnant.

Why it isn’t PMS: These are not symptoms that happen during PMS. They only indicate pregnancy.

Nausea: If you feel nauseatic and want to vomit, it could indicate pregnancy. It could happen anytime of the day, though particularly in the mornings.

Why it isn’t PMS: It isn’t a symptom of PMS and only indicates pregnancy.


Some symptoms leave you in a dilemma that if they are normal PMS symptoms or symptoms of pregnancy. In those cases, it is advisable that you go for a pregnancy test at home or for a blood test. Dr Neema says that a blood test can indicate pregnancy as soon as a day of having missed your period and sometimes, even before you miss your period.

Breast sensitivity: Your breasts may become sensitive in case of both PMS and pregnancy.

But in this one, you can spot the difference by the type of sensitivity. If your breasts get sore, you may be pregnant. Whereas, if they have swollen up and are only tender, chances are that you are only experiencing PMS.

Mood swings: You may suddenly want to cry by merely listening to a song or become too overwhelmed by an everyday conversation. Well, you can experience such mood changes in both PMS and pregnancy. There isn't a line where you can differentiate between them.

Cramps: Cramps can indicate both PMS and pregnancy. Though mostly you will not be able to differentiate between the two by yourself, cramping if you are pregnant may last slightly longer.


A missing or a delayed period is not necessarily only a symptom of pregnancy. There are other disorders that can be indicated by symptoms such as follows:

Abnormal hair growth/Recent weight gain or loss: If besides delayed or missed periods, you are also experiencing abnormal hair growth, or have gained or lost a lot of weight recently, chances are you may have Poly-cystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), say Dr Neema and Dr Amita. PCOD has become very common these days and every 1 in 5 Indian woman may have it. Other symptoms of the disease may include developing pimples, oily skin, infertility and inappropriate male features.

Discharge from the breasts: If besides delayed or missed periods, you are experiencing an unusual discharge from your breasts, both the doctors say that it indicates towards increased Prolactin levels. Get them checked. They advise that it can be easily controlled through medication.

Excess sweating/Hypercativity/Insomnia/Abnormal heart rhythm: If besides delayed or missed periods, you are also experiencing any of the above symptoms, chances are that you may have thyroid or hyperthyroidism, say the doctors. It is advisable that you get yourself checked against the same.

What kind of breast pain indicates pregnancy?

Breast changes In the early stages of pregnancy, your breasts may feel more tingly, full and sore and your bra may not fit quite like it used to. Because this is linked to hormone changes in your body, it could also mean you are about to start your period.

What part of the breast hurts in early pregnancy vs period?

Breast Tenderness & Pain The breast pain brought about by PMS often resolves once your period begins. In the case of pregnancy, however, breast pain often lasts much longer and is also characterized by dull, heavy pain. The pain is often focused around the nipple and areolar regions and is often tender to touch.

How long are breasts sore before period or pregnant?

Breast pain two weeks before your period can occur because of hormone fluctuations, which happen around the middle of your menstrual cycle or when you are ovulating. This can result in breast pain two weeks before your period along with a feeling of heaviness in your breasts.

How do you know if your pregnant or your period is coming?

Things like missing your period, sore or tender breasts, feeling more tired and nausea (morning sickness) are common symptoms of early pregnancy. Some people have symptoms of pregnancy before they miss their period. Take an at-home pregnancy test if you think you might be pregnant.


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