Bipolar affective disorder remission status unspecified icd 10

Find a clear chart with the updated and consolidated codes for bipolar disorder below.

Since the DSM-5 was published in 2013, updates have been made to the codes for bipolar I and bipolar II disorders. After a long period of revisions and adaptation, the ICD-10 coding system replaced the ICD-9 code set on October 1, 2015.

The main goals of changing to the ICD-10 system were to:

  • increase the specificity of diagnoses
  • keep up to date with changes in clinical practices and medical technology
  • improve tracking of conditions

The change to ICD-10 has had a relatively small impact on the rates of bipolar diagnoses, unlike those of some other medical conditions.

For your convenience, we’ve displayed the new ICD-10-CM codes for bipolar disorder here, with the old DSM-IV codes listed below.

Bipolar I disorder

Related codes

  • F31.8 Other bipolar disorders
  • F31.81 Bipolar II disorder
  • F31.89 Other bipolar disorder
  • F31.9 Bipolar disorder, unspecified
  • F34.0 Cyclothymic disorder

Now consolidated: Bipolar — Single Manic

  • 296 Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode, unspecified
  • 296.01 Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode, mild
  • 296.02 Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode, moderate
  • 296.03 Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode, severe without psychotic features
  • 296.04 Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode, severe with psychotic features
  • 296.05 Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode, in partial remission
  • 296.06 Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode, in full remission

Now consolidated: Bipolar — Manic

  • 296.4 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode hypomanic
  • 296.4 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic, unspecified
  • 296.41 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic, mild
  • 296.42 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic, moderate
  • 296.43 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic, severe without psychotic features
  • 296.44 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic, severe with psychotic features
  • 296.45 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic, in partial remission
  • 296.46 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic, in full remission

Now consolidated: Bipolar — Depressed

  • 296.5 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed, unspecified
  • 296.51 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed, mild
  • 296.52 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed, moderate
  • 296.53 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed, severe without psychotic features
  • 296.54 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed, severe with psychotic features
  • 296.55 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed, in partial remission
  • 296.56 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed, in full remission

Now consolidated: Bipolar — Mixed

  • 296.6 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed, unspecified
  • 296.61 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed, mild
  • 296.62 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed, moderate
  • 296.63 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed, severe without psychotic features
  • 296.64 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed, severe with psychotic features
  • 296.65 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed, in partial remission
  • 296.66 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed, in full remission
  • 296.7 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode unspecified
  • 296.8 Bipolar disorder NOS
  • 296.89 Bipolar II disorder
  • 296.9 Mood disorder NOS

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Bipolar affective disorder remission status unspecified icd 10

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OR operator : It's possible to have the results that have either one or another keyword. Please see the example 4.


1. Search Text: diabetes   {finds all that have the word "diabetes" in the searched fields}

2. Search Text: diabet*   {finds all that have a word that start with "diabet" }

3. Search Text: diabet* mellitus   {finds all that have a word that starts with "diabet" and also contains the word "mellitus"}

4. Search Text: tubercul* (lung OR larynx) { finds all that have a word that starts with "tubercul" and than has either lung OR larynx in it

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Bipolar affective disorder remission status unspecified icd 10

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Is remission possible with Bipolar disorder?

The ultimate goal of bipolar management should be complete and sustained remission, whenever possible, although most patients will not achieve this status for any significant length of time.

What is the difference between Bipolar disorder and bipolar affective disorder?

The difference between these two mainly depends on the aspect of the manic episode affected by each one. It means, that a person with bipolar disorder (bipolar 1) will feel a full manic episode, whereas a person with bipolar affective disorder (bipolar 2) feels only the hypomanic episode - less serious than the latter.

What is the ICD

ICD-10 code: F31. 9 Bipolar affective disorder, unspecified.

What is Bipolar disorder unspecified F31 9?

A major affective disorder marked by severe mood swings (manic or major depressive episodes) and a tendency to remission and recurrence.