Best ways to make money from home as a teenager

Does your teen want extra money but you want her to focus on school? Here are 12 ways to make money as a teen without having to go out and get a steady job!

I currently have 4 teenage boys in my home. 2 are old enough to workout side the home if they wish, but while they are in school I prefer that they focus on their school work rather than working 20 hours a week outside of the house. 

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But, of course, teens want money!  They have big goals and things they want to buy and do. 

Luckily, a traditional job isn’t the only option for teenagers to make money.

Here are 12 ways to make money as a teen. They are great ways to earn extra spending money, get some good work ethic, AND maybe get some entrepreneurial spirit!

Best ways to make money from home as a teenager

12 Ways to Make Money as a Teen- Without Getting a Job!


If you have a teen that does well in school and enjoys studying, tutoring may be a great option to earn some extra money. 

Tutoring elementary and middle school kids is something any high school teen could do to make money. 

They can even create their own tutoring business as word spreads!

Best ways to make money from home as a teenager

Making and Selling

Does your teen have a hobby that they could use to make money?

This can be things like photography, pottery, knitting, wood crafts; really any hobby that creates a product someone else might purchase.

My oldest son turns wood bowls and pens on a lathe and sells them in his grandfather’s photo gallery. 

I have friend who’s 14 year old daughter made and sold slime to people all over the world through Etsy and marketed solely on Instagram. 

If your teen has a passion- they can market it!


This a tried and true job for teenage girls for generations. I started babysitting when I was 12 year old and it’s an easy way to make money while still having flexibility.

Plus if your teen babysits nights, they can still take their homework to work on after the kids go to bed. 

It probably goes without saying, but this a is a good way for both teen boys or teen girls to make money- my 16 year old son watches his little brother once a week and they have a blast together!

Best ways to make money from home as a teenager

Pet Sitting

Not good with kids? Pet sitting is another way to make money as a teen. 

This can include walking dogs, visiting and playing with pets when their owners go out of town, or even watching the animals in your own home. 

Pet sitting can stretch even further if they reach out to farmers and can farm sit for their livestock. 

Website Design

We live in a technology filled world- and teens tend to be good at all of it!

Put all that coding knowledge to good use and let your teen create his own web design side business!

There are plenty of businesses who need a web presence and don’t know the first thing about building a website!

Virtual Assistant

Another way to make money online as a teen is to become a virtual assistant. 

As a virtual assistant your teen would help online businesses or bloggers with things like social media management, proof reading, or customer service. 

It’s an easy way to make money as a teen without having to leave home. 

Best ways to make money from home as a teenager


If your teen has a passion and likes to write, blogging can be a great way to make money from home as a teenager. 

Teens naturally gravitate towards social media and sharing their passions, so it’s a fun way to earn extra money. 

A blog can earn money from sponsorships, in-article ads, and creating and selling your own products.

Social Media Influencer

We live in a digital world right now and kids are always on their phones and social media. But that time doesn’t have to be wasted!

You can get paid by various social media outlets for posting things like reels. 

Check out how to get paid by Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok. 

If your teen is going to be on there anyway, they might as well get paid!

Just be sure you keep an eye on their activity and keep them safe!

Best ways to make money from home as a teenager

Graphic Design

If your teen is artistic they can earn money through graphic design.

This would be things like creating logos for companies or bloggers. Designing T-shirts. Designing flyers, business cards, or other promotional items for businesses. 

This is another work from home option for teens that can lead to creating your own business!

Freelance Writing

If your teen is a writer freelance writing can be very lucrative. 

They can make money by pitching articles to magazines, accepting job offers on sites like Fiverr, or getting hired as a freelance writer for an online publication or blog. 

If your teen is looking to pursue a career in journalism, writing, or being an author doing freelance work looks great on a resume or college application.

Mowing and Lawn Care

Lawn care is a big industry and one that always seems to need more workers. 

Teens can earn money by mowing lawns for neighbors, raking leaves, weed eating, and trimming. 

Many people just don’t have the time to devote to doing these tasks and are willing to pay top dollar to have them done by someone else. 

My son earned enough to buy his first car by just mowing his uncle’s and grandfather’s lawns all summer long!

Best ways to make money from home as a teenager

Snow Shoveling

While lawn care is a big job during warmer weather, snow shoveling can be a great way for teens to earn money during the winter. 

Shovel the snow off your neighbor’s walkways or driveways during the winter snows.

Most people hate doing that job and would gladly pay a teen to do it for them.


While not a steady way to earn money, entering contests or your local country fair is a great way to earn a little extra money as a teen. 

My kids have been entering our local fair for over a decade now and they come away with $200-400 each every year. 

It’s a fun activity, earns them money, and supports our local fair!

These jobs not only make your teens some money, but also helps to teach valuable life skills! 

Read Next: 25 Life Skills Your Teens Should Have Before Leaving Home