Are german shepherds loyal to one person

There are a lot of thoughts when it comes to German Shepherds. Of course, they are well-known to be incredibly smart and protective of their loved ones, while also being a bit aggressive when they become threatened but overall lovable. So what’s the verdict when it comes to the loyalty of a German Shepherd? How does German Shepherd temperament play into loyalty?

Are German Shepherds one person dogs? Yes, for the most part. German Shepherds are loyal to the ones who feed, train and play with him the most. However, that doesn’t mean that he won’t be friendly or protective of others. You can also train your German Shepherd to be less of a one-owner dog and more of an overall loyal family pet with ease.

It’s no secret that German Shepherds make excellent guard dogs, and that’s all thanks to their protective nature. But when it comes to being loyal to just one person there is a lot more that goes into it. If you’re wondering about the loyalty of German Shepherds and how you can broaden their loyalty to more than one person, keep reading.

Why Are German Shepherds One Person Dogs?

Are german shepherds loyal to one person

The sole reason behind the German Shepherd being a one-person dog is thanks to their temperament, which is naturally instinctive in the German Shepherd breed.

German Shepherds are known for being a little bit put off and shy at first, but will quickly become friendly if they do not feel threatened. However, once a German Shepherd feels threatened, they can become aggressive.

But they don’t just become aggressive towards other animals when trying to defend themselves; they will also get riled up should he feel that his owner is in danger, too. This is why German Shepherds are often used as watchdogs or guard dogs and overall protection.

Friendly, but cautious is in the German Shepherd’s DNA. And so is being a loyal dog.

In fact, German Shepherds are without a doubt one of the most loyal breeds to have as a pet. They were born this way, and these tendencies aren’t going to change any time soon.

A lot of people find that the loyalty that comes with a German Shepherd as a pet is a definite bonus. It’s like having a furry best friend who will never leave your side! The only issue with this loyalty is that the pet owner may fear that the rest of the household isn’t having the same relationship with the pet, which may leave them worried.

Can German Shepherds be Loyal to More Than One Person?

The good news is that just because a German Shepherd is mostly loyal to one person, that doesn’t mean he can’t still be adoring and protective of other people in the home.

Think of it this way:

  • The person who spends the most time with the dog, he will be the most loyal to. This will also be the person who feeds him regularly and trains him. 
  • However, that doesn’t mean that he won’t be friendly with the rest of the household. As long as he knows that the rest of the people in the home love him (and his owner) and there is no fear, then he will be loyal and kind to the entire family as well. 
  • Keep in mind that his loyalty won’t be as connected to the other people in the home, as it is with the person the German Shepherd is closest to. Let’s say, for instance, you’re taking your dog for a walk with your significant other. While the dog won’t be opposed to it, he will want to stay closer to you, rather than your partner. This is simply because of his loyal nature.

If you want to make your German Shepherd more loyal to other people in the family, you’re in luck. There are actually several different ways to help your German Shepherd be loyal to more than just one person. 

Tips and Tricks for Helping a German Shepherd be Loyal to More Than One Person

Are german shepherds loyal to one person

If you are ready to start training your dog to be loyal to more people, then you should consider trying these easy tactics.

Remember that it will likely take a lot of time before your dog is willing to open up considerably. However, you shouldn’t fear that your dog will be defiant while performing these actions with other people in the home.

1. Allow other family members to spend more time with the German Shepherd

Time is key!

Your dog knows who is spending the most time with him, and he is going to react by being closest and more loyal to this individual.

Simply put: everyone in your home needs to spend time with the family dog.

2. Let other family members feed the dog

It’s probably routine for you to come home from work and bust out the dog food, right?

By allowing someone else to feed your dog will help him become more loyal to others.

After all, dogs love to be fed and they feel an automatic love and appreciation for those who feed him.

3. Have other family members help with the training

While training your GSD to be loyal to others, don’t quite other types of training. Whether teaching sit, stand, or rollover, let your family members be a part of that training.

Dogs respect discipline and being taught, especially the smart German Shepherd, so this should do wonders for enhancing the loyalty to others.

4. Have fun as a family

German Shepherds are good family dogs.

They are the #2 most popular dog breed in the United States, after all.

The more good times and fun activities you all do as a group, the more likely your GSD will open up and be loyal to the rest of the family.

So bust out your favorite toy for a game of catch, play outside in the yard, or go on a run.

Remember: the German Shepherd breed is highly energetic, so he will get a kick out of group playtime!

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to get your dog more interested in those around him. Doing all of these things regularly will help your German Shepherd to be loyal to other people in the home, not just a single person.

Are German Shepherds one-owner dogs?

Generally speaking, German Shepherds tend to be one-owner dogs. They like spending their time and being loyal to the person they are closest to, the person who feeds them, plays with them often and trains them.

However, German Shepherds are smart and can be taught to be more loyal to other people of the family as well. The loyalty may never be as deep as it is to that one special person they have loyalty to, but it can certainly be improved.

Do German Shepherds naturally protect their owners?

Yes. It’s instinctual for a German Shepherd to be protective of the ones they love, which is why they are typically bought and brought into the home as a guard dog.

However, this also means that one shouldn’t go out on a whim if they aren’t ready for the responsibilities of a German Shepherd. German Shepherds can become aggressive if they are feeling as if their family is threatened.

Do German Shepherds get attached to one person?

German Shepherds will generally attach themselves to one person in the family, but they can still be a good family dog. Although they have their fair share of behavioral issues, these generally stem from a lack of leadership on the part of their pet parents.

Can a German Shepherd bond with more than one person?

German Shepherds can bond with multiple people, as long as those people are caring for the dog. German Shepherds aren't free-flowing with their affection. They tend to be quite aloof with people they don't know. Therefore, they are not likely to bond with someone unless that person attempts to create a relationship.

Do German Shepherds pick favorites?

Do German Shepherds Have a Favorite Person? Although German Shepherds can't have two masters, they will often choose a favorite person to do certain activities with. So sometimes, a dog's favorite person is not always their master. A German Shepherd will bond with each member of the family in different ways.

Are German Shepherds loyal to their owners?

In truth, German Shepherd owners are never lonely because their loyal canines are always by their side. Although GSDs are sometimes slow to warm to strangers, they are gentle and loving with their families.