Apple cider vinegar and ginger for weight loss

Apple cider vinegar is widely viewed as a holistic health remedy for everything from lowering cholesterol, improving blood sugar control, weight loss and even hiccups. But, one of my favorite personal use is for improving gastrointestinal health. Find out how to get the health benefits of apple cider vinegar, in a palatable way, with this apple cider vinegar drink.

This last year, a skin condition led me to visit an integrative dermatologist. Suspecting that bacterial overgrowth due to low stomach acid was the underlying cause, I had started drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in water. She commended me on my strategy, but suggested I increase my intake considerably. When I asked her how much ACV she recommended, she responded ‘Can you do a cup a day?’

A cup is a LOT of apple cider vinegar. But, the recommendation was also a challenge. I had to find a palatable way to take my cure. So, I started by trying to knock-off a Bragg’s apple cider vinegar drink for the flavor profile and used a similar liquid ratio found in an apple cider drink used for a blood sugar research study. My first few tries were more medicating than pleasing. I persisted.

I’m almost ashamed to admit that I discovered the answer at my local bar! The bartender had designed a signature cocktail featuring an infusion of cinnamon, like a tea, and reduced it down. That was my solution! Except, my drink involved making a cinnamon-ginger reduction to which I then added apple cider vinegar, filtered water and sweetened with a little liquid stevia. Cinnamon-Ginger Apple Cider became my new daily sipper, instead of plain water. And my skin? —it became happy once again.

The base of this apple cider vinegar drink is raw, unpasteurized, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. To get the most health benefits, use Bragg’s or another brand which has ‘the mother’ a dark, cloudy substance formed from naturally occurring pectin and apple residues. According to the Bragg’s website, vinegars with the mother contain enzymes and minerals that other vinegars may not contain due to overprocessing, filtration and overheating.

If you’ve been here a while, you’ll already know I’m a huge fan of this Apple Cider Vinegar Drink. When I first started the blog, way back in 2011, I was drinking it regularly every morning and did not get sick for five years. Five years!  Not a sniffle.

It turns out, this has been around a while and there is actually a name for it…  it is called Switchel!

TOP 10 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar:

There is a lot of compelling research on the many health benefits of Apple Cider vinegar. Here are the top ten health benefits of consuming apple cider vinegar daily.

  1. Lowers Body Fat (2 tablespoons daily)
  2. Lowers blood sugar
  3. Improves insulin sensitivity 
  4. helps with weight loss (2 tablespoons daily)
  5. Reduces Belly fat
  6. Lowers cholesterol
  7. Boosts immunity 
  8. May improve heart health 
  9. May slow the growth of cancer cells 
  10. Improves digestion

Here are a couple more articles that talk about the benefits of apple cider vinegar that I found interesting: Longevity Live  and  Medical News Today.

I know that on days when I drink this Switchel, I feel so energized!   Not only does it help keep me “regular” (drinking it first thing in the morning), when I drink it before a meal, I feel less hungry.

I’ve read it helps keep our gut microbiome in balance, helping regulate the balance between bacteria and yeasts. I’ve also heard it lowers blood sugar after eating a high carb meal, and helps regulate insulin and lower cholesterol – but please do your own research and see.  As I told you earlier, I know first hand it boosts immunity, making me more resistant to colds and flu.

But please don’t take my word for it…try it for yourself… drink it for a few weeks, and see how it feels.

Isn’t that the true test? Experiencing something for yourself personally?

What is a Switchel?

This Apple Cider Vinegar Drink is said to originate in New England where it became a popular drink in the late 17th century – where it was used to revive tired and thirsty farmers at harvest time, also called “Haymaker’s Punch” or a Switchel. It was basically sweetened apple cider vinegar water. 

What or who is the “mother”? 

If you are wondering what “the Mother” actually is in the Apple Cider Vinegar – it is is the colony of healthy bacteria, similar to a Kombucha SCOBY, that help make the vinegar through a secondary fermentation process.

Apple Cider Vinegar  “with the mother in it” is vinegar that is not filtered or heated (pasteurized), so the healthy living bacteria are preserved and kept alive to do their healing!

Why I personally take Apple Cider Vinegar:

Healthy Belly:

I travel a lot and eat a lot of “street food” in India, Asia, etc., and I find that drinking Apple Cider vinegar water, daily, especially on trips like this really helps keep my belly healthy and happy. It is not foolproof, but stomach issues do seem to get resolved much more quickly. Instant Relief. Now, I won’t travel without it. 🙂

Helps me stop snacking:

One thing that I’ve been trying to do lately is not snack between meals. This switchel has been a godsend. I snack out of boredom, not hunger… and you’ve probably heard me say, my mouth gets bored!  So I’ve been reaching for this drink lately instead of the snacky stuff. It makes me feel less hungry. 

Helps my immunity: 

Like I mentioned earlier, when I drink this regularly I don’t ever seem to get colds or flu. Perhaps it is the placebo effect. Who knows, but it works.

What to mix with Apple Cider Vinegar: 

  • Water or sparkling water
  • Sweetener: Maple syrup, molasses, monk fruit, honey or stevia (all optional)
  • Slice of lemon, orange or lime
  • Ginger- optional but delicious!
  • Pinch of Himalayan sea salt (optional)

Apple cider vinegar for weight loss:

According to recent research, drinking 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar ( 30 ml) daily will help with weight loss.

I’m curious to hear what you think about this Apple Cider Vinegar Drink…. please let me know in the comments below! It’s actually the most helpful if you actually try it first and experience the effects personally,  before judging. 🙂

Have a fun and happy weekend!!!

Have a Switchel! Cheers!


More Recipes you may like:
  • Raw Apple Cider Vinaigrette
  •  Celery Juice Post
  • Ayurvedic Detox Tea

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Apple Cider Vinegar Drink (Switchel Recipe)

4.9 from 38 reviews

  • Author: Sylvia Fountaine | Feasting at Home
  • Prep Time: 10
  • Cook Time: 5
  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Yield: 4 cups 1x
  • Category: drink
  • Method: stove top
  • Cuisine: american
  • Diet: Vegan

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How to make an Apple Cider Vinegar Drink (called a Switchel) plus the Top 10 Benefits of drinking Apple Cider Vinegar on a daily basis.


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Units USM Scale 1x2x3x

  • 4 slices ginger ( optional- see notes)
  • 3 3/4 cups water, divided
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar ( like Braggs – “with the mother in it”) more to taste
  • juice of 1/21 lemon (or sub limes or other citrus! Blood oranges are pretty too!)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (preferably raw) or molasses, maple syrup or stevia to taste -optional, see notes


Place ginger in one cup of water in a small pot and bring to a boil. Let cool.

Pour the ginger water, remaining water, apple cider vinegar, juice from half a lemon, and your choice of sweetener into to a quart mason jar. Stir and adjust lemon and sweetness to your taste.

Store in a pitcher or mason jar, either in the fridge or at room temp (if drinking throughout the day).

Enjoy first thing in the morning to aid the liver in cleansing, or in the afternoon for an energizing pick-me-up or after dinner to help mitigate carbs and regulate insulin.

Ideally, you want to consume 2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar daily for 12 weeks to see results with weight loss and body fat.  Remember you can always add to salads too. 🙂 Raw Apple Cider Dressing


This will keep for  1 week in the fridge.

It’s important you let the warm water cool- you do not want to kill the healthy bacteria in the vinegar or the health benefits of the raw honey.

If in a hurry, simply leave out the ginger, and make the drink in a glass, with lemon, vinegar and optional sweetener to taste. You can also use sparkling water and serve over ice.

Sweetener is optional: Over time as you become accustomed to the vinegar taste, you may naturally want to lower the sweetener or omit completely.  ***Most mornings I drink filtered water with just a splash of the apple cider vinegar. No sweetener, no lemon, no ginger.  Simple and easy. But I know this may not be pleasant for most. This recipe was intended to get you accustomed to the taste. Feel free to adjust from here.

And Lately, I’ve been adding a pinch of pink Himalayan Salt to add electrolytes. 


  • Serving Size: 1 cup - using honey
  • Calories: 26
  • Sugar: 5.1 g
  • Sodium: 1.2 mg
  • Fat: 0.1 g
  • Saturated Fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 6.9 g
  • Fiber: 0.1 g
  • Protein: 0.2 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg

Keywords: apple cider vinegar drink, benefits of apple cider vinegar, switchel,switchel recipe, benefits of apple cider vinegar, switchel drink recipe, how to make a switchel, what is a switchel, probiotic drink, apple cider vinegar drink, apple cider vinegar drink recipe , switzel recipe, haymakers punch, switchel history and origin,


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Can I take ginger and apple cider vinegar together?

Combining apple cider vinegar with honey and ginger creates a powerful boost of antioxidants that aids in digestion and weight loss. This drink can help to combat indigestion, nausea and bloating. Some folks notice a relief in their acid reflux symptoms when they drink this mixture regularly.

How much weight can you lose when drinking apple cider vinegar?

It may help you lose weight and body fat Participants who consumed 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar per day had — on average — the following benefits: Weight loss: 2.6 pounds (lb), or 1.2 kilograms (kg) Decrease in body fat percentage: 18% Decrease in waist circumference: 0.5 inches (in), or 1.4 centimeters (cm)

Does apple cider vinegar burn belly fat?

Apple cider vinegar isn't likely to be effective for weight loss. Proponents of apple cider vinegar claim that it has numerous health benefits and that drinking a small amount or taking a supplement before meals helps curb appetite and burn fat. However, there's little scientific support for these claims.

Is ginger and apple cider good for you?

Apple cider vinegar and ginger both aid in digestion by stimulating digestive enzymes and stomach acid. Ginger, in addition, can ease nausea or stomach pain.


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