American express remove late payment from credit report

It sounds like the correction has been requested and needs the time to propagate through the system.

It's said about credit bureaus is they have a prototype 10 terabit per second network they use for reporting bad data, but favorable data goes out with the last surviving member of the US Pony Express via the the scenic route. On foot.

If you've ever paid on an installment loan, such as a car loan, the actual balance outstanding from the last payment can be 30-45 days lagged. Pay off the note on the first of the year, and it may not show paid-in-full until your March report.

You'll have to wait out the 30 days and repull your CR. If the 30d is off your report, you're good, if it's not, wait it out another month, pull again, then call AX. If you can, make a note of when you called AX last week and who you talked to.

The 30day will be on your report in two places. One is the account status, which will change to "current" the other is in the per-month history, which shows status for each month. The account status should change ok, since it's the most recent activity. You want to look to ensure the per-month report also shows current.

If worse comes to worse and it's still on there, and you can't get it off, you are allowed to put your own comment on your credit report to explain what happened. If you need to do this, it'll at least be on the CR if manually reviewed. Keep any paper back up you have showing that it's only a $2.95 balance involved, until it drops off, or if you need to explain it later for some reason.

Some people take advantage of auto-payments to avoid issues. This doesn't work for everyone, but it can be a good defense against minor problems like this. You can schedule only the minimum balance. If you log in and make a full payment before, the minimum balance is zero and the automatic payment reportedly doesn't happen. But you'll never be late.

Credit scores predict whether or not you’ll make payments on time, so it's no surprise that late payments can drag down your scores. In some cases, it is possible to have late payments removed from your credit reports as you rebuild your credit.

Accurate, or a Mistake?

Late payments appear in your credit reports when lenders report that you paid late. That can happen in one of two ways:

  1. You actually paid late, and the lender report is valid.
  2. You never paid late, and the lender or credit bureau made a mistake adding the payment to your report.

If the report is accurate, it can be difficult and time-consuming to get the late payment removed from your reports—and it likely won't be removed for seven years.

If the report of a late payment is incorrect, it can be relatively easy to fix the error. You need to file a dispute explaining that your report contains a mistake and demand that the payment be removed. If you mail the letter, then you should send it by certified mail with a return receipt request.


Consumer reporting agencies must correct errors, and failing to do so is a violation of the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

Fixing the error may take several weeks, but your lender may be able to accelerate the process using rapid rescoring, in which you pay for a faster update of your report. Doing this typically only makes sense if you’re in the middle of a home purchase or another significant transaction.

How To Get Late Payments Removed

The simplest approach is to just ask your lender to take the late payment off your credit report. That should remove the information at the source so that it won’t come back later. You can request the change in two ways:

  1. Call your lender on the phone and ask to have the payment deleted. The first person you talk with most likely will not be able to help you. Politely ask to escalate the issue and speak with a manager or a department that can approve your request. Once you have them on the line, make your case politely.
  2. Write a letter and ask for a removal. Often known as a goodwill letter, these requests allow you to formally explain why the payment should be removed. Include proof that supports your case—the more, the better.

If the late payment is accurate, you can still ask lenders to remove the payment from your credit reports. They are not required to do so, but they may be willing to accommodate your request, especially if one or more of the following apply:

  • You paid late due to a hardship like hospitalization or a natural disaster.
  • The late payment was not your fault, and you can document the cause (for example, your bank made an error and will provide a letter explaining the problem).
  • You can offer them something in return, like paying off a loan that you’re behind on.
  • You usually pay your bills on time and you made a one-time mistake.

Hardship reasons can help, and you get even better results if you ask nicely. This is a stressful and important situation for you, which makes it especially challenging, but your odds are always better if you can calmly explain your case and ask for help.

Your initial request may not be successful. That’s okay—ask several times and try your luck with a different customer service representative. Ultimately, you might not be able to get those payments removed, but it’s worth a few tries.


Some situations are so complicated or unfair that you need professional help. An attorney licensed in your area can review your case and offer guidance on additional options.

If You Don’t Succeed

Late payments in your credit history will remain for seven years, which can make it harder to get approved for the best loans and insurance rates. After that time, the payments will “fall off” your credit reports—they’ll no longer be shown to others, and they won’t be part of your credit score.

Rebuilding Your Credit

Especially with late payments in your reports, you'll need to rebuild your credit to raise your scores. The most important thing you can do is to avoid additional late payments—get your payments in on time going forward. Send payments several days early, and sign up for electronic payments (at least for the minimum payment) to prevent problems.

Also make sure you don't get too close to your credit limits on any of your accounts. It's safe to stay under 30% utilization of your credit to ensure that it doesn't negatively impact your score.

Adding new installment loans and making those payments on time might also help, but only borrow if it makes sense to borrow. Don’t just borrow to game the credit system—it costs money, and you need a strategy for it to work.

Borrowing With Poor Credit

Your scores will be lower if late payments remain on your credit reports, but that doesn’t mean you can’t borrow money. The key is to avoid predatory lenders (such as payday lenders) who charge high fees and interest rates.

A co-signer may be able to help you get approved for certain types of loans. Your co-signer applies for a loan with you and promises to make the payments if you stop paying on time. Lenders evaluate their credit scores and income to determine their ability to repay the loan. That may be enough to help you qualify, but it’s risky for the co-signer, because their credit could take a hit if you make late payments.

Why Late Payments Matter

Your payment history is the most significant factor in your FICO credit score, with a 35% weighting. Even if your credit reports are in good shape, one late payment can damage your credit.

The impact of one late payment depends on several factors, including whether or not your lenders ever report late payments to credit bureaus.

How Late?

Payments less than 30 days late are unlikely to appear in your credit report. After that, payments get categorized (30 days, 60 days, 90 days, and so on, until the lender resorts to a charge-off). Paying 90 days late has a more severe impact than paying 31 days late.

How Often? 

One or two late payments will undoubtedly damage your credit, but the damage is limited if you avoid making a habit out of it. If you regularly pay late or you have late payments on multiple loans, the impact will be greater.

How Recent? 

A late payment affects your credit score within a month or so. Fresh information is meaningful for the scoring model. Still, it can be helpful to remove late payments that are several years old, because any negative items in your credit will weigh down your scores.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you dispute late payments on your credit report?

To dispute late payments that you believe were reported in error, you should send a letter making your case to both the credit bureau and the entity that reported the late payment. The Federal Trade Commission has a sample letter you can use as a template.

When do credit card companies report late payments to credit bureaus?

Credit card companies have a lot of flexibility when it comes to reporting late payments. A company may not even report a late payment at all if it's only a couple of days late. If they choose to report your information to bureaus, they can also choose when and how often to do so, but late payments generally do not appear on your credit report for at least 30 days after you miss the due date.

What happens if you're habitually late on loan payments?

Repeatedly missing payment due dates can negatively impact your credit score and increase interest costs. Your lender can also send your case to collections.

Will American Express remove late payments?

The good news is that American Express does have a late fee forgiveness plan that can help. They approve late fee waivers on a case-by-case basis. AMEX has a financial relief program that can waive late fees if you are experiencing financial hardship due to problems like a lost job or medical expenses.

Can I get a late payment removed from my credit report?

Late payments usually stay on your credit report for seven years, but you can get them removed if they're incorrect. If you have a positive credit history, one late payment won't be the end of it – but it's important to catch up and not miss any more.

How do I get a credit card company to remove late payments from my credit report?

The simplest approach is to just ask your lender to take the late payment off your credit report. That should remove the information at the source so that it won't come back later. You can request the change in two ways: Call your lender on the phone and ask to have the payment deleted.


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