1 food that kills high blood pressure

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EATING a portion of vegetables a day is the key to beating high blood pressure and could save tens of thousands of lives a year, according to research.

1 food that kills high blood pressure
Simple diet changes could be all that is required for people to lower their blood pressure

Scientists have discovered a diet packed with nitrate-rich foods – found in abundance in green vegetables and beetroot – is all it takes to slash blood pressure and keep it under control.

It means that simple diet changes could be all that is required for people to lower their blood pressure and cut their risk of suffering potentially deadly heart disease, stroke or kidney failure. The findings come after years of nutritional advice that we should eat a minimum five portions of fruit and veg a day.

Dr Amrita Ahluwalia, the lead author of the study and a professor of vascular pharmacology at The Barts and The London Medical School in London, said: “The public are told that they should be eating five portions of fruit or vegetables a day but this can be hard to do.

“Perhaps we should have a different approach to advice. If you could eat just one a day, this is one more than nothing and should be viewed as positive.”

The research is the latest to hail the benefits of a healthy diet for keeping down blood pressure, protecting the heart and staving off chronic killer diseases.

1 food that kills high blood pressure
High blood pressure kills at least 62,000 people in the UK each year


This latest study, carried out by scientists from Queen Mary, University of London, and published in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension, looked at the effect of consuming nitrate on blood pressure in rats.

They then confirmed their findings in a study in 15 patients with high blood pressure. The results showed eating healthy amounts of nitrate-rich vegetables had a positive effect on blood pressure in the patients for 24 hours.

High blood pressure kills at least 62,000 people in the UK each year.


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1 food that kills high blood pressure

Is it a High Blood Pressure Emergency?

If you are trying to rapidly lower your blood pressure at home, dial 9-1-1 immediately. You cannot safely treat dangerous high blood pressure at home. Your best move is to lie down flat and calm yourself until emergency help arrives.

1 food that kills high blood pressure

Blood Pressure Explained

Your blood pressure refers to the pressure inside your artery walls. It can be a little higher or lower throughout the day as you move from relaxation to activity and back again. As you get older, your arteries may become stiffer. This, combined with sedentary living, can contribute to high resting blood pressure. High blood pressure is extremely common; nearly half of American adults currently have it, and only 1 in 4 is controlling their high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a primary contributing cause of death to roughly half a million Americans every year.

1 food that kills high blood pressure

What Is High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) - Chart

High blood pressure is common, and many Americans don't know they have it. Elevated blood pressure is defined as above 120 systolic, but below 80 diastolic at rest. High blood pressure in adults is defined as a resting blood pressure above 130/80. But keep in mind that women's readings tend to be about five points lower. And blood pressure averages also vary by age group.

High Blood Pressure Categories

  • High Blood Pressure Stage 1: Between 130/80 and 140/90
  • High Blood Pressure Stage 2: Above 140/90

If your blood pressure is higher than 180 systolic OR 120 diastolic, call your doctor right away. This blood pressure range is considered a hypertensive crisis, and could lead to a hypertensive emergency.

1 food that kills high blood pressure

Lowering Blood Pressure Immediately

There is very little you can do outside of medical intervention to lower your blood pressure immediately. If you are concerned you may be experiencing a high blood pressure emergency, call your doctor right away. As you wait for help to arrive, lie flat and remain as calm as possible.

1 food that kills high blood pressure

9 Ways to Lower High Blood Pressure Immediately

The encouraging data on high blood pressure (hypertension), is that you can lower your elevated levels through a number of simple everyday lifestyle changes. These adjustments can reduce your measurement numbers and cut risks without the need for medications. We'll discuss nine effective measures on the following slides.

1 food that kills high blood pressure

Lose Weight

Being overweight or obese puts added pressure on your arteries, and this can lead to high blood pressure over time. The American Heart Association recommends, "eating well and moving often" for people who want to lose weight.

1 food that kills high blood pressure

Exercise Everyday

Regular exercise strengthens your heart and helps prevent high blood pressure. Most healthy people need 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise to maintain their health. You can break those minutes up however you like. If you have been inactive for a long time, avoid injury by starting back slowly with mild exercises such as walking.

1 food that kills high blood pressure

Lower Sodium Consumption

Too much sodium in the diet has been tied to high blood pressure. In places where people eat less sodium, the people tend to have much less trouble with high blood pressure. Most Americans eat far more salt than recommended, and most of it comes from highly processed foods. Lowering your salt consumption can start lowering your blood pressure in weeks.

1 food that kills high blood pressure

Eat Healthy

Some foods are just good for your heart. And then there are foods that aren't. The more often you choose quality, healthy foods to eat, the more protection you give your heart. Here are some foods to add more of to improve your heart health:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Low-fat dairy
  • Lean beef
  • Skinless poultry
  • Fish
  • Nuts
  • Vegetable oils that are low in saturated fat

Here are some foods to avoid for a healthy heart:

  • Sugary sweets
  • Sodium (salt)
  • Fatty red meat
  • Saturated fats and trans fats

1 food that kills high blood pressure

Increase Potassium Consumption

Potassium seems to counteract the harm that sodium causes to your blood vessels. People who regularly eat foods high in potassium tend to have lower blood pressure. Some of the most potassium-rich foods include:

  • Beans
  • Cow's milk (both fat-free and whole)
  • Baked potato
  • Fresh tomatoes
  • Bananas
  • Spinach
  • Clams

1 food that kills high blood pressure

Avoid Heavy Alcohol Drinking

Drinking too much alcohol has been associated with high blood pressure. Heavy drinking also contributes to stroke. The CDC recommends that men drink two or fewer drinks per day. Women are recommended to drink one or fewer alcoholic beverages per day.

Alcoholism is a disease that is difficult to treat on your own. If you find it difficult to control your drinking, many people have successfully limited or quit drinking through counseling and drug treatment. You can reach the national substance abuse (SAMHSA) hotline anytime at: 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

1 food that kills high blood pressure

Quit Smoking

Smoking constricts the arteries, and that raises blood pressure for a few minutes. Smoking all day can contribute to higher blood pressure all day long. High blood pressure kills nearly half a million Americans every year. If you smoke, remember that millions of people have succeeded in quitting. To find effective, scientific ways to reduce and quit smoking, text QUIT to 47848.

1 food that kills high blood pressure

Reduce and Avoid Chronic Stress

Some stress in life is unavoidable. But if you feel stressed out and tense for much or all of the day, your habits might be affected. People with chronic stress are in danger of unhealthy coping habits like overeating and substance abuse. It can also be difficult to sleep if you are frequently or constantly stressed. All of these things can raise your blood pressure.

To keep your stress in check, make time for healthy activities. Spend some time every day in an activity that relaxes you, such as:

  • Gardening
  • Walking
  • Painting
  • Meditating
  • Talking to friends and family
  • Visiting a therapist

1 food that kills high blood pressure

Monitor Blood Pressure Regularly

Know you have high blood pressure? Check it frequently. Doctors recommend daily checks with a home blood pressure monitor. Check three times, and record each result. Be particularly careful to check your blood pressure:

  • Every day for a week before a doctor's visit
  • For two weeks after starting or changing medication


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  • AHA: "What Is High Blood Pressure?"
  • CDC: "Facts About Hypertension." Jul. 19, 2021.
  • AHA: "Manage Weight to Control Blood Pressure."
  • AHA: "Getting Active to Control High Blood Pressure."
  • CDC: "Sodium." Sept. 8, 2020.
  • UM Health: "High-Potassium Foods." Dec. 17, 2020.
  • AHA: "Limiting Alcohol to Manage High Blood Pressure."
  • CDC: "Facts About Hypertension." Jul. 19, 2021.
  • AHA: "Managing Stress to Control High Blood Pressure."
  • CDC: "Manage High Blood Pressure." Feb. 24, 2020, "Measure Your Blood Pressure." Nov. 30, 2020.

© 2005-2022 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.

What food gets rid of high blood pressure?

Eating a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and low in saturated fat and cholesterol can lower high blood pressure by up to 11 mm Hg .

How can I quickly lower my blood pressure?

How Can I Lower My Blood Pressure Immediately?.
Take a warm bath or shower. Stay in your shower or bath for at least 15 minutes and enjoy the warm water. ... .
Do a breathing exercise. Take a deep breath from your core, hold your breath for about two seconds, then slowly exhale. ... .

What food or drink lowers blood pressure immediately?

Beet juice. Not only do these colorful, low-calorie vegetables contain a host of health-promoting vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds, but they may also help lower your blood pressure. ... .
Tomato juice. ... .
Pomegranate juice. ... .
Berry juice. ... .
Skim milk. ... .